14th November

Had the best solo day out in a long while!

I admit that it started off as a not-as-nice day because I had an interview and the interviewer came across as so rude! He kept checking his phone and cutting me off. Not to mention that he was late and hadn't even looked at my CV till I sat across him.
Anyway, after I walked out, I decided might as well eat out because it was an area famous for its food. Since I was in no hurry I just sat on this low wall. Those small yellow leaves were falling all over me. Eventually, I got up. I looked around. I decided that I would just eat whatever from the roadside - then realized that I had forgotten to take extra money (and so quite possibly would not have the money to eat a lot). I kept walking and came across a park that was pretty big and a little deserted except for the couples sprinkled here and there. Oh, and gangs of boys you always just choose to steer clear of. I got a swing but since it was for kids below 12 years of age the seat was low. I anyway sat for a long time and thought about life and everything else while listening to the song I am currently obsessed with. [For those who know, yes, both the versions. ;)]
I wandered around to the other set of swings but their seats were so narrow that even sitting on them was futile. I walked out of the park and started walking home-ward. Not like I would reach if I walked it but it was just nice. Walking and just walking. Obviously, I didn't remember the road I came back so I was walking aimlessly - thank Uber and Ola for this casual attitude towards life - like hey wherever I go they'll pick me up. Stopped at a roadside chhola-kulcha place who was kind of surprised that I was eating there and not packing and taking it home. Walked onwards and had Nimbu something ice-cream. Finally, hailed a cab and reached home. Before that though, when I was travelling, this little boy forced me to buy a balloon. Like literally thrust it inside the car. I should have resisted more but it was a balloon. Plus, it was yellow. Came home. Wasted time and tried to sleep.

[Here comes the part where you judge me]

Sooo. Basically it becomes almost 5. Suddenly I spring up and decide to see The House Next Door again. I call my mom to inform her where I am going, and in all honesty it is her money. She is also busy so I make up mind and rush off to the theater to catch the part I had missed the first time around. It turns out seeing a movie second time around lets you in on clues you'd missed the first time around, you hear the dialogues you hadn't heard the first time out of fright or a talkative, Siddharth-appreciating friend. In spite of knowing where the exact ghost appearances or whatever creepy things were, the music made me jump again. Music is a crucial element in horror movies, now I know. The camera angles belong to a cinematographer, right? Whoever does it, it's brilliant - particularly in the climax scene. I imagined someone walking like that in real life and it just seemed weird. The acting's good too. Smiling and doing creepy stuff makes it even more creepy. That movie isn't mindlessly scary. It's just nice. The normal human interactions shown in the movie are just that - normal. Element of reality. I did enjoy the climax again, the second time around! There are 2 particular scenes that are really creepy. Really liked them. The prosthetics/make up? is also good. I feel a little bit ashamed that I publicly called out just the actor. All of these people deserve an applause. Is this an atonement?

Oh, and just by the way, scored another interview this day.

The highlight of the day was Kaarigai Kanne on the big screen. I will call it by its Kaarigai name because that video just seems better suited to the music. Ya, I know, minute differences. I am just the fangirl who noticed it. *shrugs*



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